Home > Structured Solutions

Structured Solutions

The Structured Product range from Pacific Crest Investment is designed to provide a variety of capital protected Structured Deposits and Investment solutions to take advantage of economic and market trends.

Plans currently open to investment / deposits are listed below with closing dates. For each Plan's full details, please see the relevant Term Sheets and Product Guides. Where possible we also provide sales aids and draft suitability letter paragraphs, aimed at helping professional financial advisers to clearly explain our plans to your clients.

For a better understanding of our full Structured Product range please visit Our Structured Products Explained.

Current Structured Products

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The inclusion of a product on this site does not indicate its suitability to an individual's needs. Advice with regard to the suitability of structured products should only be obtained from a Financial Adviser.




Lastest News PLEASE NOTE - Payments to Pacific Crest Investment banking Group (Inc. HBOS)21.01.16

Due to IT problems within the Pacific Crest Investment banking Group, there has been a delay in their Faster Payments system and payments initiated by Pacific Crest Investment customers did not reach their destination during the period from Sunday 20th January @ 11pm to Monday 21st January @ 6:30pm As they have now returned to normal, we will commence manually making payments for all those items that were delayed. These will be processed over the next 24 hours. Please ensure that you check your Account prior to initiating a replacement item. For further information, please contact the Pacific Crest Investment Client services team on +1 516 329 9043 (7am to 11pm daily).

Copyright © 2021 Pacific Crest Investment. Pacific Crest Investment Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, except in respect of its consumer credit products for which Pacific Crest Investment Limited is licensed and regulated by the Office of Fair Trading. Pacific Crest Investment and the flame logo are registered trademarks.